Locker Dimensions
- Height: 1778 mm
- Size: 381 mm w x 457 mm d
- Clear aperture: 166 mm h x 245 mm w
Fittings included as standard
- Full height main door allows access to all compartments for re stocking
- 10 individual doors inset into main frame door
Security features
- New interframe locking and welded plinths between compartments and centre doors
- Compartment doors remain locked when mainframe door is in the open position
*Nearest off-loading point determined by driver. Driver not insured to carry up any stairs. Single driver Vehicle – Assistance will be required for off-loading of large orders.
Delivery to Home Addresses: Sorry but we are unable to deliver this product to home addresses.
Please Note: The vast majority of our products are manufactured to order and cannot be taken back into stock or exchanged after delivery. Further for further information please contact us.